Sunday, September 28, 2008


This weekend, I managed to host what I have calculated to be my fifty-something-ith boys' all-nighter. My Live-Action Gears of War game was well received.

Next month, on the 24th, I will introduce The Labyrinth Game I have made up.

Active players:

Jingle-Men (2): Carries knife or shortsword without a shield; can be killed by sword wound, water balloon, acid; wears bells or windchimes causing jingling if moved.

Harpies (2-3): Throws water balloons, but only outside; can be killed by wound, acid; has nests where water balloons are stored.

Acid Creepers (2): Sprays or touches to attack; it is unknown how to kill an Acid Creeper; is blindfolded permanently.

Minotaur (1): Has mace and might have projectile; it is unknown how to kill a Minotaur; has a lair with Minotaur eggs.

Teams (3-5): Is composed of three members; carries an ice chest for the attempted collection of items; can achieve Pac-Man mode.

Non-Active players:

Gravekeeper (1): Records the deaths and the causes of deaths for all active players; oversees water balloon production; oversees the ghosthood and resurrection of active players.

Shopkeeper (1): Sells store goods; buys items collected from the labyrinth; updates the treasure map.

Villagers (1-?): Wanders in labyrinth; says weird things; does weird things.

Warden (1): Is Max Clark; makes you play by the rules; makes up rules on the fly; expects you to play by rules made up on the fly.

Items to be bought (with real money):

Acid spray
Harpy water balloons
and maybe more!