Thursday, September 25, 2008

Schedule Fall 2008

You, reader, are my newfound accountability partner...
Enrolled Classes for FALL '08
Crse Crse Sec Grd
Code Dept Num Typ Num Unts Opt Days Time Bldg Room
---- ---- ---- --- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ----

36560 I&C SCI 22 LEC A 6.0 GR mc T T 03:30-04:50 PSCB 120
36562 I&C SCI 22 LAB 2 0.0 GR M W 06:00-07:50pm ICS 189
44700 MATH 120A LEC A 4.0 GR M W F 11:00-11:50 ET 202
44705 MATH 120A DIS 10 0.0 GR T T 11:00-11:50 MSTB 122
47584 PHYSICS 52A LAB 5 2.0 GR T 06:00-08:50pm MSTB 117
47628 PHYSICS 111A LEC A 4.0 GR mc T T 02:00-03:20 ELH 110
47632 PHYSICS 111A DIS A1 0.0 GR mc M 01:00-01:50 RH 108
47636 PHYSICS 112A LEC A 4.0 GR mc T T 09:30-10:50 PSCB 120
47640 PHYSICS 112A DIS A1 0.0 GR mc F 01:00-01:50 PCB 1200

total units enrolled 20.0 0.0 p/np units

mc = meeting room/time changed


Aria said...

Max. Your 'About Me' is brilliant.

That's all.

Aria said...

Max. Your 'About Me' is brilliant.

That's all.

Anonymous said...

Hm do people post their schedules so others can know it, or so others can know how many units they are taking?

The second option can be humbled easily.

Anonymous said...


mclark said...


Anonymous said...

I don't want to. The first question was what I wanted answered though... it was a legitimate question! I really do wonder.

mclark said...


mclark said...

um. ok. look.

i was proud of the classes i was taking!

i enjoy the typesetting/font/formatting/whatever and it was as easy as copy/pasting it from the uci sites.

and i thought some of my friends who read this blog would like to know and find it interesting and would like to ask me about my classes. i was wrong on that last account.

Anonymous said...

I'll ask!

How were your classes?

Anonymous said...

and your idea was stolen

mclark said...


My classes were so-so Fall 2008. ICS lecture was boring as hell, but I doodled nice doodles that I like and keep taped up on my cabinet.

Math 120 A, group theory, was very interesting and I wish I had worked harder on the homework.

Phys 52A, was a terribly lame lower div. lab. But I had a female lab partner, so I made out with her.

Phys 111A and 112A were my first upper div. physics courses. They were fun. I wish I hadn't looked at the solutions manual for the homework half the time.

I ended up not doing as well as I wanted to, probably because my friends never asked me about my classes. So thanks sort of.


Anonymous said...

ok see you next quarter

mclark said...

ok. see you next quarter. take math 194.

Anonymous said...


mclark said...

because "fun is learning in a safe environment" ~ Raph Koster

Anonymous said...

why haven't you taken the putnam yet

Anonymous said...

/ why did you decide to now

mclark said...


Anonymous said...

syntax vs semantics

mclark said...

i don't like where our conversation has led, although i take responsibility.

in response to your earlier question, what do you mean "why are you taking the putnam now"? what the hell kinda question is that? what is this dialogue? who are you?

Anonymous said...

i know youd like to know but the jig is up mclark

mclark said...

alright, this dialogue has been analyzed be the three brightest undergrads at uci. we have determined conclusively you are a dude, therefore i am not longer interested in this interaction.

Anonymous said...

putnam exam.

math 194 prepares you for it. taking math 194 implies you are taking the putnam... unless you want a NP as your grade for the class i guess.

Anonymous said...

why would a girl comment on your blog?! lol jk.

Anonymous said...

"alright, this dialogue has been analyzed be the three brightest undergrads at uci"

where was i?

Anonymous said...

HEY! isn't there some wise saying from God like

"ye must respond to all those that comment on ye blog" or something. wtf man!

now i'm Definitely not taking math 194

Anonymous said...

look, lord "i correct spelling mistakes because i am secretly self conscious of all my short comings" we are having a discussion here

Anonymous said...

and i don't know what the f*** you corrected, troll. definately isn't a word.

Anonymous said...

you must not have been one of the top three UCI students analyzing my writing... it's cool buddy keep workin at it

mclark said...

but wandering about people's schedules is cool with you?

Anonymous said...

it was public information.
and your question is irrelevant too.

sigh...good luck on the putnam...don't know about the one named mclark...

Anonymous said...

ok but seriously though. look who you are competing with. 20 units? come on man, take 30, take 40 if they fit!

we are all getting the same graduation piece of paper it makes me want to cry.

mclark said...

new post. check it out.