Sunday, December 21, 2008

Three Wishes

Sometimes, when I'm not doing anything, I wish I had cute eccentric hobbies that I could then blog about.

I don't know why I have such an urge to deceive people on facebook, but I really want to change my status to "Max Clark just ran a marathon!" (I could dress it up, claim it was for needy kids this holiday season,'s better as is)

I want to fly like an eagle.


Jonathan Charles Wright said...

The enjoyability of your blog posts is inversely proportional to their size. I would read 20 short blog posts by you with more enjoyment than 1 long post of the same size. So, in the future, when you have written a long post, break it up, posting each paragraph or two as its own unit. Do this for me, you most devoted and appreciative follower.

also, in the future, when you comment on my blog, turn your critiques into suggestions as I have done for you here.

Jonathan Charles Wright said...


Brianna. said...

the first line of this blog post made me laugh really loudly. thank you.