anyway: don't try to go for girls as much; they will come to you. if you post about girls on here and other girls see it... you may look a little desperate or something like that. that's a turn-off.
so in the sentence that you first call me frend you also say farewell?
all right. if we need to take a break or you need some space or whatever, i'm cool with that. i just arrived back in southern california tonight, but tomorrow i go to seattle for a few weeks to see real friends.
i would call you after, if i had your number. we could go for caramels or something.
you wanna help me with some linear algebra? i'm having difficulties
i refuse to offer help for 121A
i'm not taking 121A. it's just linear algebra... why does it need a name? i could have said i need help with berkeley math 110
but yes it's a hard problem so never mind =[
on a side note- do you know any Smart math majors? cuz i don't =[
the physics majors at this school are usually way more hardcore.
i know a girl named amy who is a smart math major.
amy knowles, i'm guessing?
never heard of her.
listen. when i get back from europe, do you want to go out?
sure. my name's amy too
but ur a physics major, aren't you scared of girls?
so r u taking math 194?
he is
i am
that's cool.
what do you hope to get on the putnam?
1 > mhickman
what were you saying about physics majors, amy?
i thought we were friends? didn't god like say somewhere "ye must reply to your friendses' replies to your comments on his blog"?
shwatever dude.
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i asked if he got 0, damnit.
I haven't taken it yet. I'm taking it with Max in the winter.
the highest score for fall 08 at uci was 21
if i get higher than you guys, hopefully you won't be upset?
Nah, we're not Math majors.
I bet Jess or Laura got the 21. :/
it was a guy named nick suprisingly. he's good at problem solving but he didn't show up to class all of winter/spring quarters... he just graduated.
i thought that one girl (i don't know her name? blonde hair) would get it too... i was surprised.
i think it's awesome you guys are taking it. you will do better than most for sure.
[cuz the average physics major at uci is way smarter than the average math major at uci :-) ]
and no, max, we aren't friends. you don't even know who i am :-p
oh, i don't? the jig is up amy christena knaup-noble"?"
whoa max a little stalker there?
LOL oh no you caught me =[
no really. don't even try to guess; lol.
i actually should stop posting in the chance that i give away any hints
We could only find 2 people named Amy that were Math majors at UCI.
sorry i posted a comment earlier here that said something similar, but i guess it didn't post!
something like :
"yes you can only find 2 in the directory: the one u just said and amy knowles."
maybe i don't go to uci. just cuz i know stuff that goes on; maybe my sister or brother go there? i dunno!
maybe i graduated this year
11:11am post had typo.
"...go to uci." = "...go to uci,"
my apologies.
anyway: don't try to go for girls as much; they will come to you. if you post about girls on here and other girls see it... you may look a little desperate or something like that. that's a turn-off.
best of luck on the putnam and in life,
au revoir, mon ami. au revoir!
~the real anonymous
dear amy "humblebee" "christena knaup-noble" anonymous,
so in the sentence that you first call me frend you also say farewell?
all right. if we need to take a break or you need some space or whatever, i'm cool with that. i just arrived back in southern california tonight, but tomorrow i go to seattle for a few weeks to see real friends.
i would call you after, if i had your number. we could go for caramels or something.
i am back in sweet, hot california. do you want to hang out or has this all been a big tease and you're actually a dude?
I hear you dropped.
Guess you're getting a 0 just like the other physics majors.
how do you know it wasn't the other max that dropped? hmm?
I feel I should add that the physics majors usually pwn the math majors at their own classes. Just sayin.
well, amy, you may know when i add and drop classes, but do you know when my real birthday is?
too old to be at uci. still younger than me, though.
younger than i*
that reminds me of when some dumbass here told me that it's "definately."
i know my grammar, hun
i love it when girls call me hun.
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