Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I know of one Anteater who can beat this.

Enrolled Classes for WINTER '10

Crse Crse Sec Grd Code Dept Num Typ Num Unts Opt Days Time Bldg Room

45070 MATH 121B LEC A 4.0 GR M W F 02:00-02:50 RH 114
45071 MATH 121B DIS 10 0.0 GR T T 02:00-02:50 HICF 100M
45080 MATH 130B LEC A 4.0 GR M W F 10:00-10:50 MSTB 122
45081 MATH 130B DIS 10 0.0 GR T T 10:00-10:50 PSCB 220
47750 PHYSICS 113C LEC A 4.0 GR T T 11:00-12:20 RH 192
47751 PHYSICS 113C DIS A1 0.0 GR T 01:00-01:50 RH 192
47770 PHYSICS 125A LEC A 4.0 GR mc T T 08:00-09:20 PCB 1300
47771 PHYSICS 125A DIS A1 0.0 GR mc W 01:00-01:50 PCB 1300
47780 PHYSICS 136 LEC A 4.0 GR M W 11:00-12:20 FRH 2111
48090 PHYSICS H196B RES A 4.0 GR TBA TBA -TBA FRH 2174

total units enrolled 24.0 0.0 p/np units mc = meeting room/time changed


Matt Hickman said...

Great, now I can stalk you and enroll in all the same courses.

Anastasia said...

are you insane

mclark said...

i knew it was you all the time, matt.

Anonymous said...

24?! JESUS!!

I was taking at least 30 at your age, noob. You can't get into caltech with 24 pfft.

Anonymous said...

how many units does your flat-faced friend take?