Monday, October 6, 2008


GK Chesterton platitudes....just kidding, my platitudes! My two platitudes...

1) That which is called a "bed of roses" usually is just that: seemingly beautiful, but in actuality thorny and in no way desirable (even though people typically use this phrase in a negative way, "sorry to disappoint you, it's not a bed a roses.").

2) That which is called "sour grapes" usually is just that: providing, at first, a thrill until one realizes its emptiness and that is an illusion of meaningful love, possibly leaving one bitter.

I once had a book of platitudes that GK Chesterton had scrawled on. It had his markings on each saying, crossing out clauses, adding his own. It was cool. I think GK had used a green crayon to do it also. Crayons were a great invention.

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