Configus strategic paradox
LovePosted by Eskil Steenberg Fri, July 04, 2008 02:59:13Thinking of AI tactics I remembered something I once wrote:
-Have you heard of the story of Configus?
-I cant say I have.
-As the story goes, in the land beyond the two rivers, Configus was one of two princes who were twin brothers. They lived under the rule of their father. But as the father grew old he could not decide who would inherit the throne, so what he did was that he divided his mighty army in two and gave each brother one half, and he made it so that he who could lead his army in to victory against his brother would inherit the throne.
Now the two armies was set up on each side of great mountain, and there were two paths around the mountain. One was a treacherous one that could exhaust the strongest of horses, full of narrow ridges and deep abysses, dry with nothing to eat and nothing to drink. However the path on the other side went threw a lush valley where streams of spring water soared and fruits grew on the trees.
Configus, thought long to choose his path, and he thought that the path threw the valley would be easier on his men and horses. But if the easy path was chosen, his brother would anticipate him and stage an ambush. So perhaps the hard path would be wiser. However his brother was just as wise as him and could also anticipate this. So perhaps this diversion was too obvious, but was it also too obvious to his brother? The more Configus thought about it, the more bewildered he got. Soon he found that what ever reasons he had his brother could anticipate. Hence he found himself in a dilemma of strategic paradox.
But as he truly believed that all men are created equal by god as brothers, And as his brother had a mind identical to his, he found no reason why his brother would not make as good of a ruler as he. So he choose to spare his army and alone he rode to meet his brother and once he found his brother, The first blade of his brothers army was stabbed in to his body and he fell dead from his horse. When his brother heard of Configus death he cried, because he had failed to anticipate his own brothers intentions, and thus he was not able to spare his life.
-So the other brother took the throne?
-Yes, he got the throne.
-I should know of him, who was the other brother?
-His name has been forgotten.
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